Become the comedic Turtle Michelangelo from Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with Michelangelo's Build N Battle Role Play set. Tie on Mikey's bright orange bandana, grab his powerful Nunchuks and in an instant you've become Michelanglo. Create a custom weapon each time the baddies attack, with powerful new add-ons! When the battle's won, simply disassemble your weapon and begin building another for the next battle!
- Create countless customisations with Build N Battle Roleplay! Attach the included accessories to Mikey's Nunchuks and begin your battle! Then you can disassemble, assemble, and battle again!
- The Build N Battle Michelangelo Roleplay set includes Mikey's nunchuks, his orange mask, a hatchet, and a mace ball.
- Mikey's Build N Battle Roleplay set is inspired by the new TV series, Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, with bright colours and highly-detailed sculpting.
- Collect all the Build N Battle Sets! No battle (or playtime) is ever the same with mutating roleplay! Create unique weapon combinations with one roleplay set or all four!
- Collect all the Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures and accessories.
Click here to view the entire Teenage Mutant Ninja range